The Basics of VBM

Never used Vote By Mail before?  Over 4 million New Jersey voters used it for the 2020 General Election safely and securely.  You can, too.

The Basics of VBM

Apply to Vote By Mail

  • Unless the governor issues an executive order that requires county clerks to send every active registered voter a mail-in ballot due to the pandemic, in order to receive a mail-in ballot, you have to apply to Vote By Mail in order to receive a mail-in-ballot.  Apply here.
  • The last day to apply to vote by mail and to receive it in your mailbox is 7 days before Election Day.
  • The last day to apply to vote by mail in person is by 3pm the day before Election Day

How to Vote with Vote By Mail

  • Step 1: Vote your ballot by selecting your candidates
  • Step 2: Complete and SIGN the Certificate of Mail-in Voter
  • Step 3: Put your ballot in the inner envelope and SEAL
  • Step 4: Put your inner envelope in the Outer envelope and SEAL
  • Step 5: Double check! Complete the Bearer portion ONLY if you use a bearer, who has to complete it. Depending on the outer envelope design, make sure the address appears in the window.
  • Step 6: Mail it, drop at ballot drop box, or deliver to the Board of Elections.

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